KSP Series
[International Research Partnership]
Integrating ICT in Elections: How Uganda Implemented Biometric Voter Registration, 2001–2016
Maintaining an accurate, comprehensive voter registry is a crucial component of electoral processes, and critical to carrying out an election. An accurate voter register is an essential component in protecting voting rights of qualified voters (United Nations, 2005). Voter registration represents a vital government function, particularly after conflict, in order to rati..
LINK Year : 2022 Hit : 240
[International Research Partnership]
Promoting equitable access to government services in Peru: The National Program PAIS (Platfroms of Actions for Social Inclusion)
Peru is a country with considerable cultural and geographic diversity, and with wide socioeconomic disparities across the population. Historically, people living in the Andean and Amazonian regions of Peru have had less access to development gains than residents of other parts of the country. This delivery note examines a Peruvian government program that sought to address these gaps: the N..
LINK Year : 2022 Hit : 180
[International Research Partnership]
How Social Welfare Services Work: Examining the Maternal and Child Health Care (MCH) Component of the Subsidy Re-Investment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P) in Nigeria (2012-2015)
This delivery note examines on the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) component of the SURE-P program, with a focus on specific interventions such as the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program devised to address gaps in pregnant women's utilization of healthcare services. The note highlights the development challenge addressed by the SURE-P MCH and provides an overview of the com..
LINK Year : 2022 Hit : 225
[International Research Partnership]
Preparing for the Pandemic: Strengthening Epidemiological Investigations in The Republic of Korea, 2015-20
When the epidemic of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) hit the Republic of Korea in 2015, the government found that its infectious disease management system was woefully inadequate. At the time, the government faced legal limitations in collecting information to track how viruses spread from person to person and medical information (such as hospital admissions) about ..
LINK Year : 2022 Hit : 187
[International Research Partnership]
Ensuring Clean Water for All: Implementing a Tele Monitoring System to Better Manage Water Quality in the Republic of Korea(2007–2021)
In 1991, a toxic substance called phenol was discharged from an electronics factory into the Republic of Korea's Nakdong River, poisoning the local tap water supply. That incident—and other similar catastrophes—forced the government to improve the management of hazardous materials being treated and discharged into Korea's waterways.  Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, the Minist..
LINK Year : 2022 Hit : 227
[International Research Partnership]
Strengthening Budgeting for Sustainable Development: Uganda's Transition from Output-Based Budgeting to Program-Based Budgeting
This case study examines how the government of Uganda implemented an output-based budgeting system. Uganda began transitioning from output-based budgeting to program-based budgeting in 2013 in a bid to improve the link between budgeting and national strategic objectives. Output-based budgets were developed to reflect the relationship between funding and expected outputs. The drawbacks of Ugand..
LINK Year : 2020 Hit : 35
[North Korea Research]
북한의 정책·제도·조직기반 구축과 역량강화 지원 연구 (2018)
Year : 2018 Hit : 106
[International Research Partnership]
Implementing an Electronic System to Streamline Claims Management: The Case of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana
This case study is about the challenges facing the Ghanaian National Health Insurance Scheme's claims management, how the processes of the e-claims system from 2010-13 were developed, and how the system bolstered efficiency in claims review and reimbursement, leading to lower claims costs through the detection of errors, abuse, and fraud. These efforts were led by the NHIS with..
LINK Year : 2019 Hit : 45
[International Research Partnership]
Operationalizing Effective Leadership and Coordination Systems for Better Health Outcomes in Ethiopia
This case study examines how the government of Ethiopia implemented an approach for comprehensive policy planning and mechanisms for improved stakeholder coordination in the health sector. In line with this approach, the government designed an innovative policy intervention, the Health Extension Program (HEP), in 2004 as an integral part of the second Health Sector Development ..
LINK Year : 2019 Hit : 59
[International Research Partnership]
Indian Railways Case Study
Indian Railway (IR), as one of the largest railway systems in the world, fields enormous numbers of queries, concerns, and complaints from passengers on a daily basis. In an effort to revolutionize passenger services, IR adopted a social media-based citizen engagement system, through which passengers and IR staff can communicate to improve services. However, put..
LINK Year : 2019 Hit : 44
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