- Theoretical and empirical analysis on social economy -
The Social Economic Lab (SEL) critically analyzes social problems such as social risks and income polarization exposed in the course of rapid economic growth and development of capitalism. The SEL also seeks the possibility of a 'social economy' as a mechanism for realizing harmony between economic and social values. Specifically, the SEL explores various theories and historical backgrounds related to 'social economy' in order to identify social economic models that fit into the context of each country. On top of its research works, the SEL proposes policy alternatives for realizing a social economy for Korean society.
    • Changyong Choi
      • Seulki Choi
      • Junesoo Lee
Research Projects
Subscribe to Research Projects
  • Citizen Participation and Public Trust in Local Government: The Republic of Korea Case. OECD Journal on Budgeting
    PM: Junesoo Lee Year: 2018
    date 16th February, 2021 Hit : 9
  • Collaborative Accountability for Sustainable Public Health: A Korean Perspective on the Effective Use of ICT-Based Health Risk Communication. Government Information Quarterly
    PM: Junesoo Lee Year: 2019
    date 16th February, 2021 Hit : 6
  • Opportunism and Opportunity Cost as Antecedents of Participatory Behavior. Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies
    PM: Junesoo Lee Year: 2020
    date 16th February, 2021 Hit : 4
  • Parenthood Wage Differentials in South Korea
    PM: Seulki Choi Year: 2019
    date 16th February, 2021 Hit : 2
  • Fluctuation of Monthly Birth Number, By Chance or By Intention
    PM: Seulki Choi Year: 2019
    date 16th February, 2021 Hit : 2
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