Why Does the Propensity to Home Ownership Vary?: Focusing on the Role of Borrowing Constraints
PM: Man, Cho
Year: 2019
16thFebruary,2021Hit :88
A Comparative Research on the Variations of PPP Contracts: Availability Payment PPP vs. Concession PPP
PM: Man, Cho
Year: 2020
16thFebruary,2021Hit :70
House Rent - Price Ratios : An International Comparison
PM: Man, Cho
Year: 2018
16thFebruary,2021Hit :70
Housing affordability, borrowing constraints and tenure choice in Korea
PM: Man, Cho
Year: 2020
16thFebruary,2021Hit :70
Notices & Events
[KDIS-WB DIME Impact Evaluation Conference] Opening Remarks by Dean Jong-Il You
KDI School - World Bank DIME Conference on Impact Evaluation in Governance and Finance
Opening Remarks
Jong-Il You, Dean, KDI School of Public Policy and Management